Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Best Selection of Healthy Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss

Drinking green smoothies is not only an efficient way to consume fruits and vegetables that you don't normally eat, but it is also a very effective way to lose weight. Green smoothies for weight loss are rich in essential nutrients and fiber that will help reduce your appetite and have the ability to burn fat.

Healthy Smoothie

So if you want to achieve your ideal body through healthy eating, here are the best smoothie recipes for weight loss:

Citrus and Greens Delight

One piece of orange is equal to 59 calories. When you think about it, there are more fruits or vegetables that have a lower calorie count than an orange. But what makes it a great ingredient for healthy smoothie recipes for weight loss is its rich fiber content. According to a recent research from Australia, oranges top the list of fruits that are most filling. Add some low-calorie superfoods like leafy greens to the mix and you'll have a delicious glass of a fat-burning smoothie.

What you need:

2 oranges, peeled and seeded
1 small red apple
1 bunch baby spinach, chopped
3 large Romaine lettuce leaves
2 stalks celery
1 cup purified water

Be Berry Fit

Like other berries, blueberries are considered to be superfoods. These tiny, delicious fruits are excellent sources of essential vitamins and minerals. They are also rich in powerful antioxidants that help keep the body healthy. 1 serving of blueberries contains 4 grams of fiber which will help you feel full longer and will effectively suppress your appetite. This sweet fruit and vegetable mix is definitely one of the best smoothies for weight loss!

What you need:

2 cups fresh or frozen blueberries
1 large banana
2 tbsp. hemp seed, hulled
5 leaves kale
2 1/2 cups purified water

Apple-Dandelion Slimmer

If you're looking for healthy smoothie recipes for weight loss, you should look for one that uses an apple as an ingredient. Apples are one of the best fruits that aids in weight loss for plenty of reasons. For one, it contains a soluble fiber called pectin which helps block the absorption of bad cholesterol in the body. As a result, fat is utilized in the body instead of being stored. The fiber-rich peel of apples contains ursolic acid which according to a recent study, helps lower the risk of obesity.

What you need:

2 large apples
1 banana
1 bunch dandelion greens
1 lemon, peeled
2 tsp. flax seeds
4-5 ice cubes

These delicious smoothie recipes for weight loss will not only help you achieve your ideal weight, but will also provide you with essential nutrients that will help maintain your body's health. Drinking green smoothies is definitely the easiest way to lose weight!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Donna_H./1519703

Friday, July 1, 2016

Fat Loss Kettlebell Workout Routines

Kettlebells can be used for several purposes, but here I will present various kettlebell workout routines which are extremely effective for fat loss. One of the primary factors to making an exercise session burn a lot of fat is to bring the heart rate and breathing rate up. Breathing heavily, while not very fun at that moment, is important to burn off fat since the fatty acids inside the blood stream have to be oxidized; thus oxygen usage is extremely important. A lot of heavy breathing leads to a good deal of oxygen being drawn in throughout the workout, and that is exactly what will burn a good deal of fat.

Kettlebell Workout

Fat loss kettlebell workout routines don't need to be complicated; there are many straight forward set-ups which can be positively ferocious to complete. For instance:

Fat Loss Workout #1
10 kettlebell swings, 1 push-up, 10 swings, 2 push-ups,... , 10 swings, 10 push-ups

Bear in mind these swings can be done with one bell or two, and if using two, perform the push-ups while gripping the handles of the kettlebells. Executing push-ups that way (with neutral wrist position) is usually easier on the wrists, elbows, and shoulders.

Minimum rest ought to be taken at all times, ideally going through all the reps without resting in any way. For individuals who are less mathematically-inclined, that's 100 swings and 55 push-ups, completed in (if possible) less than 15 minutes. That's a great deal of work in addition to a great way to get rid of some body fat.

Although it's unquestionably vital to keep moving during a fat loss kettlebell workout in order to attain the best results, additionally it is imperative that exercises are chosen intelligently. Using an exercise that forces the body to keep moving isn't sufficient: it should present enough of a challenge so the workout acts as an effective strength stimulus simultaneously. A younger and in-shape fitness enthusiast would probably be breathing hard after a set of swings and 12" box step-ups, but will those step-ups pose a decent strength challenge? Probably not. Even though they would keep the person working and breathing more heavily than usual, they wouldn't do much to build additional strength.

Therefore, for the swing and push-up workout earlier on, adding weight for the push-up is advised if the person can complete the entire workout without too much effort.

Swings, being as powerful as they are, ought to be incorporated into just about any fat loss kettlebell workout. It's almost impossible to do "too many" of them, so there's no harm incorporating them since they do such a good job of getting the heart rate up.

Here's another great kettlebell fat loss workout containing swings and push-ups:

Fat Loss Workout #2
Swings for 20 seconds, 5 push-ups, 30 seconds rest. Repeat for 15 minutes.

If after that workout the push-ups remain easy, consider adding weight or reps next time.

Here are two additional powerful fat loss kettlebell combinations:

Fat Loss Workout #3
Using 2 kettlebells:

10 swings, walk 30 steps, 10 goblet squats, walk 30 steps
10 swings, walk 30 steps, 9 goblet squats, walk 30 steps
Continue down to 1 goblet squat.

Fat Loss Workout #4
Using 1 or 2 kettlebells. Start at the top of the minute.
5 swings, 1 push-up, rest the remainder of the minute.
10 swings, 2 push-ups, rest remainder of the minute.
5 swings, 3 push-ups, rest remainder of the minute.
10... , 4... , rest
5... , 5... , rest
The entire way up to 10 swings and 10 push-ups.

For this one, rotating between sets of 5 and 10 swings will provide a small bit of additional rest. Go ahead and make all sets of swings 10 once successfully completing the workout above.

Give these fat loss kettlebell workouts a shot! While including correct nutrition and strength training, they will likely provide all the additional fat burning anybody would need.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jordan_Rosedahl/1895907